Server Time
Your Time
Server Information
General Information
Server Version Season 16
Experience 100%
Master Experience 110%
Drop 50%
Max Stats 32k

Reset System

Log out of the game and reset here:
When reaching 100 resets, you can perform a Grand Reset:

Party Bonus Experience

Members Experience Rate
Same Character Classes Different Classes
2 Players 105% 110%
3 Players 107% 113%
4 Players 110% 115%
5 Players 114% 118%


/whisper [on/off] Enable / disable whisper.
/pkclear Clear killer status
/post [message] Sends a message to all of the servers.
/offtrade Disconnects your client, but leaves your character and personal store open online.
/ware [number] Change warehouse. Supported numbers 0 to 10.
/addstr [points] Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [points] Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [points] Adds points to Life.
/addene [points] Adds points to Energy.
/addcmd [points] Adds points to Command.
/requests [on/off] Enable / disable requests in-game.
/war [guild name] Declare war towards another guild.

Account Login forgot your password?

Top Players+

PlayerLevel [Resets]
NightBlade400 [505]
0dysseus400 [44]
Wizzy19 [5]
LordDL395 [4]
Admin400 [3]


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